all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

vendredi, mai 21, 2004

sports carnival. fun fun fun!! really i've never experienced anything like it before. so unlike other sports days. track events were in the morning, and then after that we broke into our respectives games that we signed up for. modified versions of the games i mean.

800m was. i stopped after the first rd becos my muscles were tight (result of not warming up) they were prob wondering what happened to the girl in red. and 4by4 was. not too bad but i screwed up the last 100m becos i didn't warm up thinking that the one round from my 800 race was enough. so my muscles were so tight i could barely move them at the end but nevertheless i was third. :)

frisbee. great. except for the fact that i fell on both knees in a chain fall when i tried to intercept the frisbee. and now the pain is back. real bad. prob knocked my joints out of place again or smtg (less serious). i can hear/feel the springy knee cap popping left and right when i try to bend my knees. esp the left side.

let me tell you all about ian toh. not that im devoting so many entries to silly guys, but these pple are funny man! our senior class. guys include tth, g.s.(gay shit [really!]), stitch (ian), paul and some others. we were playing uf with them. yes and these silly hilarious pple came up with ideas out of this world to play! like, "they didn't say we can't pass to ourselves, so we run and throw the frisbee up and down into the air while running along..." hahaha. "we form a circle with two pple in the middle and those two keep passing while we prevent our opponents from getting into the circle by holding hands" haha. "form one line down the field and pass!" like what the. hahaha its damn hilarious. and it was the wonderful ian toh who made chin's name become 'hua'. we said we'd send him flowers for that.

and he's the same age as my bro, drove his dad's car to the stadium today, gave his friends a lift apparently. just like me bro. how cool huh. if only my own friends could drive too. only hope is nadia. ya anyway, today was his birthday he was so happily telling us that. hmmm i vaguely remember somebody's bday to be today also. smone maybe like jinin or so but i haven't seen her for years. mmMm. well.

anyway i also had a go at [b]olleyball. where they used those big fat physiotherapy balls. gosh. it was amusing but fun. and unique.

btw, i LOVE our jersey now. after seeing some of the others. ewww. ours was way better. except that ive been feeling like an NJCian the whole day long. and ahhh. i should go shower. got home a while ago and im feeling disgusting and sticky and stinky. saw quite a number of familiar faces. i watched shrek 2 with celest. hahaha what a humourous show but i dont think its very suitable for little children. they prob wouldnt understand alot of the jokes. like pinochio denying tt he was wearing ladies underwear and stuff like that. gosh. i'd rate it like pg-13 or smtg. speaking of media literacy and censorship for the absolutely foul gp.

why am i missing the oc so much. stupid channel 5 decided to push it to 3 weeks later??! man. it's practically become my life. i spendthe entire week looking forward to the oc on thursdays each week and now i won't have anything to pull me through the week for the next 3 weeks? man. and somehow whyy do i feel that jimmy and kirsten are gonna end up together at the end? hmmm.

should i go for rda tomorrow? should i not? i'm not in the mood for dealing with stubborn asses. ok not asses. horses. which are somewhatthe same to me. haha. equally stupid but i still love them. i love animals. but yeah. and dealing with kids who beat the already stubborn horses doesn't make life much easier for me as leader. i think i'd rather be sidewalker. help.

mMm. life is getting better. its been going uphill for the past 2 weeks. i'm finally beginning to enjoy my life in alcoholic senior college. with nice seniors and brother paul (whom we made our honourary player for t01 for catching the frisbee for us). life is sure to be not-too-bad. but i'm pretty sure i still don't intend to do my a's. ah well. and yes not to mention that i'm saying life is gona be smooth-flowing with people like retarded bald-headed william hung. just the sight of him makes me puke. but just kick him out of the picture and my catholic life could become quite...good. oh well.


+ + + + +

all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.